Georgie Wemyss smiling wearing a green shirt

Dr Georgie Wemyss

Senior Lecturer

CMRB and Social Sciences

Department of Social Sciences , School Of Education And Communities

Over the past three decades, Georgie Wemyss has been working at the intersections of anti-colonial scholarship and grass-roots activism in east London. Her research, teaching and publications connect theories of coloniality, anti-racism, bordering and belonging. She brings her research, activism and teaching expertise together as co-director of the Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging, through PhD and undergraduate supervision and in leading the Level 5 core module ‘Space, Power, Bodies’.


  • University College London, BA in Anthropology and Geography 1982
  • Institute of Education, University of London, PGCE (Distinction) 1988
  • University of Sussex, MA in Social Anthropology 1992
  • University of Sussex, D.Phil in Social Anthropology 2004

Areas Of Interest

  • Everyday Bordering
  • Britishness and Belonging
  • Ethnographic methodologies
  • Politics of memorialisation
  • Colonial seafarer histories.


The last four years of publications can be viewed below. 

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