Prashant Ruchaya

Dr Prashant Ruchaya

Senior Lecturer


Department of Bioscience , School Of Health, Sport And Bioscience

Prashant Ruchaya is a senior lecturer in physiology in the School of Health, Sport and Bioscience.


The last four years of publications can be viewed below. 

Full publications list

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  • Lewis-McDougall, F. C., Ruchaya, P. J., Domenjo-Vila, E., Teoh, T. S., Prata, L., Cottle, B. J., Clark, J. E., Punjabi, P. P., Awad, W., Torella, D., Tchkonia, T., Kirkland, J. L. and Ellison-Hughes, G. M. (2019)

    Aged-senescent cells contribute to impaired heart regeneration Aging Cell. 18 (3), p. Art. e12931.
