Julia Davidson

Professor Julia Davidson

Executive Director of Research


Department of Law & Criminology , School Of Psychology

Professor of Criminology and Director of the Institute for Connected Communities. She is one of the UK's foremost experts on policy and practice in the area of CSA and CSE and online harms. She is  Chair of the UK Council for Internet Safety Evidence Group and provides expert advice to international and national organisations such as the Technology Coalition,  UNICEF, the US Sentencing Commission, and the UN ITU, the Home Office, DCMS, she is a member of the Europol  EC3 Expert Academic Advisory Group and is the Chair of the Research Ethics Committee to the Independent Inquiry into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, having acted as an Academic Advisor to the Inquiry since it began in 2017.  


  • PhD Social Policy (2002) London School of Economics and Political Science
  • MSc Criminal justice policy (1988) London School of Economics and Political Science
  • BA (Hons) Sociology and Professional Studies 2:1 (1987) East London University (NELPS)

Areas Of Interest

  • Online harms
  • Online safety
  • Cybercrime
  • Serious offending


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