Banjo Aromolaran profile image

Banjo Aromolaran

Head of Department - Professional Psychology (Interim)

PG Dip/MA in Counselling & Psychotherapy; Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology

Department of Professional Psychology , School Of Psychology

Banjo is a keen academic, with a passion for teaching and learning, and a specialist focus on psychodynamic theory and practice as well as the integration of diverse psychotherapeutic modalities into clinical practice.

Prior to UEL, Banjo taught on the PGDip/MA Counselling programme at Goldsmiths College, University of London between 2002 and 2018. His areas of research interest span mentoring, counselling & psychotherapy, alternative and special education needs, and he is currently engaged in doctoral research into the psychological factors that underpin disengagement from education amongst learners who present with social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) learning needs. Additionally, Banjo is developing an innovative approach to addressing equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the programme offers. 

Banjo has worked as a counsellor with a variety of charitable organisations alongside consulting for the Bermuda Government over the past two decades. Banjo won the BACP Award for Innovation in 2003, as well as the JLS Young Person of the Year Award at the annual UK Sexual Health Awards in 2012 for setting up ‘TalkSafe’ (a young people’s emotional wellbeing and sexual health service for the Terence Higgins Trust).

Additionally, in 2002, Banjo set up Right Choice independent Special School, which provides alternative educational engagement for learners who present with social, emotional, and mental health learning needs and acquired brain injuries. 


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