Rabih Bashroush large image

Professor Rabih Bashroush

Professor of Digital Infrastructure


Director of the Enterprise Computing Research Group

Research, Innovation and Enterprise , School Of Architecture, Computing And Engineering

Professor Rabih Bashroush is Professor of Digital Infrastructure. Currently, his main interest is in the design and implementation of energy efficient systems, especially in Cloud and data centre environments.


  • PhD in Systems Engineering, BEng in Computer and Communications Engineering, PGCert, Certificate in Business Studies

Areas Of Interest

  • Design and implementation of energy efficient systems
  • Cloud and data centre environments


The last four years of publications can be viewed below. 

Full publications list

Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications

  • Schatz, D. and Bashroush, R. (2019)

    Security predictions — A way to reduce uncertainty Journal of Information Security and Applications. 45, pp. 107-116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2019.01.009


  • Kilanioti, Irene, Fernández-Montes, Alejandro, Fernández-Cerero, Damián, Karageorgos, Anthony, Mettouris, Christos, Nejkovic, Valentina, Albanis, Nikolas, Bashroush, R. and Papadopoulos, George A. (2019)

    Towards Efficient and Scalable Data-Intensive Content Delivery: State-of-the-Art, Issues and Challenges in: Kilanioti, Irene, Fernández-Montes, Alejandro, Fernández-Cerero, Damián, Karageorgos, Anthony, Mettouris, Christos, Nejkovic, Valentina, Albanis, Nikolas, Bashroush, R. and Papadopoulos, George A.High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications: Selected Results of the COST Action IC1406 cHiPSet. Springer, Cham

    Book chapter