
Dr Yang Li

Senior Lecturer

Smart City Research Group, Culture & Environment Research Group

Department of Engineering & Computing , School Of Architecture, Computing And Engineering

Dr Yang Li is a specialist in data analysis, data mining, data quality and geocomputation. He is a senior lecturer and the programme leader of Data Science (MSc and Professional Doctorate) in University of East London. He is also a Fellow of Royal Geographical Society, a Fellow of Royal Statistical Society, and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy.

Areas Of Interest

Data analysis, Data quality, Data management, Data mining, Data modelling and GIS, in the application areas of policing and crime, healthcare services, education, business and finance, urban development, community and environment.


Data Science and Geographic Information Science

  • Quantitative analysis
  • Data mining & modelling
  • Data quality & data management
  • Big Data and Smart City


  • Spatial data analysis
  • Spatial Data quality analysis
  • GIS and Environmental modelling
  • Location-Based Services (LBS)


The last four years of publications can be viewed below. 

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